Palm Rescue

It is a rather pathetic new planting—a last minute, much belated rescue attempt to save the cane palms (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) I inherited from Brigitta and Elise, which I have been neglecting. Hidden amongst the foliage of the garden bed directly in front of the house it was easy to pass them by. In pots long too small, too sheltered to receive the rain they needed they have wasted away.

The best batch (they are always planted 3 or 4 to a pot) go into the main garden out to front —in competition with the jacaranda! But as an understory plant they may well thrive.
The other four batches, reduced in number to one plant, maybe two, per pot, go into the strip of garden bed beside the house. Other plants have died in this strip so this last ditch attempt to save the palms may well be in vain.
Between them I plant Bromeliads pulled from other corners of the garden, to green the bed so there is a promise of growth.