Raise the earth towards the sun. Raise the plants out of the shade. Will it work? I don’t know but the new raised garden bed is finished and I am waiting for the sun to return, to rise above the house which casts its shadow all winter. First plants I want to plant are broad beans.

They didn’t have broad bean seeds at the Annandale nursery so I bought mint (Mentha spicata), marigolds (Tagetes patula) and pansies (Viola spp).

Then I found the broad bean seeds I was looking for in Newtown Mitre 10. I didn’t know that there are 9 different varieties; Aguadulce, Diana, Bell, Robin Hood, Sweet Lorane, Stereo, Crimson Flowered, Red Bristows, Pruple Queen. Fancy names! I had a choice of one, dwarf!
I planted them all, their ‘eye’ looking up, like Peter suggested. Now I wait for the first new shoots to appear. Up they come…

Until the aphids arrive like a black rash around the tips of the plants and spread. Neglected, the beans succumb. The soapy solutions is too little treatment, too late. I look at my thumbs and they are not green!

But the coriander is thriving. It likes a cooler, shadier place. Is this telling me something?